Support Centre of Social Economy – Good Work

Project title
‘Support Centre of Social Economy Good Work for the metropolitan subregion’ Pomorska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna sp. z o.o. implements RPPM.06.03.01-22-0001/16 project under Priority Axis 06. Integration, Measures 06.03. Social economy, Sub-Measures 06.03.01 Social economy entities – mechanism of integrated territorial investments, the Pomeranian Voivodship Regional Operational Programme for 2014–2020, co-financed from the European Social Fund
Project partners: The ‘METROPOLITAN AREA GDAŃSK-GDYNIA-SOPOT ’ Association (Project Leader), and Fundacja Pokolenia [Foundation of the Generations], Caritas of the Archdiocese of Gdańsk, the Employers’ Organisation of ‘Pomeranian Employers’, and the Association ‘Towarzystwo Pomocy im. Św. Brata Alberta Koło Gdańskie [Help Centre of St. Albert in Gdańsk].
Specific objectives:
- strengthening 325 social economy entities (SEE), creating 65 SEE through comprehensive support for SEE employees,
- providing substantive support for the development of existing staff of 325 SEE, including SpS,
- promoting social economy and employment in the sector,
- supporting 750 people in establishing, running and strengthening social economy entities through substantive, financial, bridge support,
- developing a long-term business model for OWES and SpS, with an emphasis on obtaining sustainable, long-term funding sources.
Project value: PLN 21,421,056.08
Co-funding: Co-funding from the European budget amounts in total to PLN 18,711,897.67, including PLN 18,207 897.67 representing payment from European funds, and PLN 504,000.00 representing subsidy from the national budget.
Implementation period: 01.11.2015 - 30.09.2023
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