Technology Incubator

Technology Incubator is a program carried out by the GPST aimed at start-ups /newly established entities operating for no more than 3 years, having a high development potential. The main objective of the Technology Incubator GSTP is to improve competitiveness and innovation by supporting and developing the businesses set up and run by graduates, among others.

Technology Incubator is targeted at companies that:
  • have been operating for no more than 3 years;
  • represent the Life Science oraz IT/ICT, Industry 4.0 branches (the range of branches is open);
  • are innovative and provide a unique product or service;
  • are able to benefit from from de minimis aid;

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Wojciech Leonowicz

Wojciech Leonowicz

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The form of aid is individual, based on each entity’s needs:
  • preferential renting conditions (80% discounts in the first year, 70% discounts in the second year, 60% discounts in the third year)
  • assistance in matters such as: running businesses, marketing, networking;
  • access to specialist equipment such as: 3D printers, drones used for projects.
  • free access to a number of conference rooms in the GSTP (included in the rental fee);
  • access chillout room;
  • training offer regarding specialist development and gaining financial aid;
  • busines mentoring;
  • facilitation in gaining partners particularly through networking and matching with the GSTP and Pomeranian Special Economic Zone entities;
  • coordination and stimulation of the new technology transfer opportunities;
  • free promotion on GSTP website and during seminars and conferences organized by the GSTP;
  • financial aid (which is not an obligatory element of the incubator service, each case is considered individually by the Director of the Science and Technology Parks Department).

Qualification documents

Please fill in the following qualification documents:
  1. Formularz zgłoszeniowy PL
  2. Wzór Formularza informacji w przypadku ubiegania się o pomocy de minimis PL
  3. Wzór Oświadczenia o niespełnianiu kryteriów trudnej sytuacji ekonomicznej PL
  4. Wzór Oświadczenia o wysokości uzyskanej pomocy de minimis PL

The above documents should be completed, signed and send to our e-mail address: or delivered to the following address:

Pomorska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna Sp. z o.o.
Gdański Park Naukowo-Technologiczny
Ul. Trzy Lipy 3 budynek B, IV piętro
80-172 Gdańsk

The original documents in the paper version, signed by authorized persons or in the electronic version with a qualified electronic signature, must be submitted on the day of signing the Agreement at the latest.