Start-up Heroes

Project title
‘START-UP HEROES A start-up platform for the new ideas’ is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014–2020, Priority Axis I: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Measures 1.1 Start-up platforms for the new ideas, Sub-measure 1.1.1 Start-up platforms for the new ideas, co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Project partners: The leader of the project is the Olsztyn Municipality / Olsztyn Science and Technology Park, partners: Ełk City Commune / Science and Technology Park in Ełk, BRAVE VENTURE Capital Ltd., bChange Ltd., Business Supporter Ltd., ELTEL Networks Energetyka Inc., Science Point Foundation, Instytut Przedsiębiorczości i Nowych Technologii Ltd., ITM Ltd., Gdańsk University of Technology, Pomeranian Special Economic Zone Ltd., PRO-COMMERCE Maciej Kasperowicz, SAIA Ltd., Sprint Inc., THIS Ltd. L.P., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Zakład Mięsny "WIERZEJKI" J. M. Zdanowscy Spółka Jawna, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Project objective: The objective of the project is to prepare and implement the Project consisting in creating a comprehensive support programme in the Eastern Poland macroregion that will allow creating conditions conducive to the creation and development of innovative start-up enterprises. As part of the project, individual support will be provided for innovative start-ups based on the idea, in the areas of: ICT, Ecoenergetics, Food Production.
PSEZ’s task in the project:
Evaluation of applications of applications as part of pre-selection and expert panel in the field of:
Co-funding: PLN 17,070,438.00
Implementation period: 01 January 2019 – 31 August 2023
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Project objective: The objective of the project is to prepare and implement the Project consisting in creating a comprehensive support programme in the Eastern Poland macroregion that will allow creating conditions conducive to the creation and development of innovative start-up enterprises. As part of the project, individual support will be provided for innovative start-ups based on the idea, in the areas of: ICT, Ecoenergetics, Food Production.
PSEZ’s task in the project:
Evaluation of applications of applications as part of pre-selection and expert panel in the field of:
- innovation of the submitted idea at least at the national level understood as ‘placing on the market of a given product or service that is new or significantly improved in terms of its features or applications’. This includes significant improvements in terms of technical specifications, components and materials, embedded software, ease of use, or other functional features;
- identified competitive advantages;
- business potential and team competence.
Co-funding: PLN 17,070,438.00
Implementation period: 01 January 2019 – 31 August 2023
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